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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and answers to the most pressing questions.

  • How do I choose a topic for research?

    As noted above, the project should be in an area of research that is interesting and relevant to information networking or information security - depending on your program of study.
    It should also be an area where there is work that remains to be done; there should be some clearly-defined new knowledge to discover or some new techniques to be developed.
    There also should be some way of quantitatively measuring your work's success. Therefore, you should choose a topic that is significant but not impossible!
    You also need to choose a topic that is interesting to both you and your advisor/supervisor.
    Finally, and most importantly, you should choose a topic that you will have fun working on.

  • What should the project proposal contain?

    You should think of the project proposal as a contract between you, your advisor, your industry supervisor and/or reader. The project proposal does not need to be very long - three to six pages is typical.

    The project proposal should be in the following form:

    1. 1. Introduction and background:
      This section sets the stage for motivating the work you will do. Outline what has already been done in the field of interest, and in particular, describe the limitations or shortcomings of the current state of the art that your work will address or improve.
    2. 2. What you will do:
      State here as specifically as you can what you will do for your project work and how it differs from what has already been done before by the rest of the world.
    3. 3. Evaluation of your work:
      Address two important issues here: (1) how you will know when your work is completed, and (2) how you will evaluate how well you have done. While you may work on a wide variety of topics, no proposal or project will be accepted unless it includes a viable form of evaluation.
    4. 4. Deliverables:
      State here what artifacts you will leave behind. Minimally, this will form the basis your analysis/technical report, which ultimately could contain code, a hardware prototype, a working demonstration system, etc. In the proposal, however, merely mention these "artifacts".
    5. 5. Expected timetable:
      Include here the major milestones in the project and the expected completion date.

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