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          Over the years, theorists has made series of attempts to unravel the mystery surrounding why people tend to display certain behaviour in a given condition, they believe that every behaviour manifested in the workplace or otherwise, is goal directed.

          Work environment entails buildings, furniture, and layout as well as the physical condition under which employee operates. This brings us to the definition of environment. Kochan (1990), considers environment in the following context, economic context and social and technological context. It could be looked at as the surrounding of all situation, people, event etc, that influences life. Thus, people who are working in a good environment exert greater effort to perform than those who work in an unhealthy environment. The environment has many effects and opined by the following theorists, graft (1964) commented on the effects of work environment in his write-up. He stated that environmental factors contribute on employees and organizational productivity, equally output, level of wastage and rate of turnover. He further postulated that unhealthy depression and unsafe work environment leads to job dissatisfaction and eventually low productivity. He went further to mention that when an office is grossly deficient in stimulation, the resultant effects are absenteeism, lateness, wastage of resources, disobedience and many other negative attitudes. Hicks (2004) opined that poor working environment exposes employees to injuries, discomfort and helps to reduce productivity. Therefore an organization has to provide a conducive environment that will protect them under emergency condition.

          Filippo (2008), postulated that the physical environment as air, the greatest material resource, without relatively clean air, pure or clean water and hygienic surroundings, people become unfit to work hard for living. He further stated that air should not be polluted and that safety of employees must be protected for higher productivity by ensuring that the physical environment should be devoid of any injury or threat to the life of workers. Hicks (2004), discussed that an organization does not exist in a vacuum. It exist in him, there is nothing a worker can do without the environment being friendly and conducive. As a result of all these, all efforts should be geared towards providing those conditions like enough space, good ventilated offices, adequate light and other materials that will enhance the productivity of employees or organizations. Oliver (2007) in his own contribution stated that that an unsafe physical condition gives rise to accident of which employees are bound to sustain injuries in their work place. Unsafe environment, equipment and tools, polluted air with toxic substance, poor ventilation and inadequate personnel proactive equipment pose a great danger to the health and life of employees. These things drastically help to reduce productivity of organization. He went further to urge employers of labour to provide good working environment that is safe without risk of health and also provides facilities that will ensure the welfare of employees at work. Brenner (2004) improved work environment will enhance organizational productivity. For example, standard health facilities will protect the life of the workers. In case of any hazard on the job, they have some assurance of income. This assured income tends to minimize any inhibiting fears of the workers devoting themselves fully to their work. The theme of this presentation lies on the fact that both management and workers of organizations are less considerate of work environment as having a great influence on productivity of workers as resulting from worker’s negative attitude to work while the worker’s view of low productivity may stem from poor pay system, absence of fringe benefits inappropriate leadership style, wrong job location, unfavourable organizational change, etc. the environment is man’s immediate surroundings which he manipulate for his existence, wrongful manipulation can impede the productivity rate of workers. Therefore, the workplace entails an environment in which workers perform his work.

          Chappins (1995), an effective workplace is an environment where results can be achieved as expected by management. An environment conducive to the conception and growth of an organization on a sustainable platform of nature’s perfection in mankind, and since humans are all created the same, their level of variation is dependent on the environment type (nature vs nurture). Environment creates behavioural patterns in human development either positive or negative depending on the factors we are exposed to. The work environment has physical and psychological effects on any worker or staff of an organization. An accommodating and conducive work environment is a key factor for any organization. This is because results are achieved by the input of humans, a workforce. A comforting environment increases productivity and job satisfaction which has a direct impact on the financial status of organization. For productivity to be at its peak, the energizing environment must be manipulated at all times. Kauno (2005), says productivity is important because it allows the business to be more cost effective. The more output a business has for a specific cause, the cheaper it is to produce the product. This has in turn allows the business to have a higher profit. Productivity on the part of employees is important because getting your job done will help the company’s growth. If the company grows and progresses, profit will increase. If profits in the company increases, not only will the management be happier but they will hire more people and give rise to those doing a good job and increase benefits for them. Productivity is good for everyone and important for a company’s survival.

          Brenner (2004), asserted that the ability of employees within an organization to share knowledge throughout the system depends on the conditions of their work environment. However, the survey revealed that corporate executives from various industries disclose that many organizations do not fully leverage their physical work environment to enable increase collaboration, innovation and improve work effectiveness. It is also observed that employees tend to be more productive in a well-facilitated work environment. More so, the quality of comfort derivable from work environment determines the level of satisfaction and productivity of workers. Worker’s productivity cannot be optimal, if the conditions of work environment are not favourable. The work environment is sometimes called the support environment or the infrastructure. It is the work environment for both development and operations and may have or include facilities, tools, communication systems, procedures, office equipment, etc. it is of important to know that a good or healthy work environment must take into consideration the culture of the workplace, which in turn reflects the attitudes and behaviour of its employees. This study examines the comprehensive analysis between the work environment and organizational productivity. It is also observed that workers tends to be more productive in a well facilitated work environment, the quality of comfort gotten from the work environment influences the level of utility and productivity. Therefore, organization cannot be productive if the state of the the work environment is not favourable or acceptable.


          The performance of an organization which determines its survival and growth depends to a very large extent on the productivity of its manpower. There are lots of unattended problems regarding organizational productivity in organizations today. One of these problems is the inability to provide and secure a good and conducive work environment for the employees. This has been a serious issue in many organizations in Nigeria today, due to the fact that organization expects increased productivity from employees but lack the adequate incentives to drive that. The employee’s perception of a work environment is an environment with tranquility; they should feel safe and secure while working. Lighting, adequate windows, air circulation, privacy are other elements that constitute an adequate work environment; workers are happier and are likely to feel respected and appreciated when they have privacy, adequate workspace. The inability of such workspace or environment to provide these damages the motivation of employees in the organization, that is the willingness to do something, such organizations find themselves disfavoured because the work environment does not provide enough motivation to enhance the productivity of the workers, thereby reducing organizational productivity. Provision for infrastructural facilities in these organizations by management, government or business owners has not been fully met. Infrastructural facilities can be regarded as a building or place that provides a particular service without difficulties. When management of business owners cannot provide adequate facilities, employees are displeased with work, and job satisfaction is reduced and organizational productivity cannot be met. In the light of the above, it is the desire of the researcher to seek solutions to the stated problem and give recommendations on how work environment should positively impact on the productivity of organizations.


          This research study aimed at suggesting few interaction to provide better conducive work environment to the management of the organization with the following objectives below:

1.      To examine the effect of conducive work environment on        employees job motivation.

2.      To determine whether there’s any relationship existing between       work environment and organizational productivity.

3.      To understand the relationship between employees and their work environment.

4.      To give recommendations on how work environment could     positively be impacted on the productivity of organizations.


The following research questions were formulated:

1.      Is there any effect of conducive environment on employee’s job      motivation?

2.      Does the work environment share any relationship with the     organizational productivity?

3.      What is the relationship between employees and their work     environment?

4.      In what ways does employee’s attitude affect productivity?

5.      Does improvement in work environment lead to higher    productivity in an organization?


The following hypotheses will be relevant to this study. In order to achieve the objectives of the study and answer the research questions above, the research postulates the following hypotheses which consist of the Null Hypothesis (Ho) and the Alternative Hypothesis (Hi).

Hypothesis 1

Ho: (Null Hypothesis): There is no significant effect of conducive environment on employees’ job motivation.

Hi: (Alternative Hypothesis): There is a significant effect on conducive work environment on employee’s motivation.

Hypothesis 2

Ho: (Null hypothesis) Is there no relationship between work environment and organizational productivity.

Hi: (Alternative Hypothesis) There is a relationship between work environment and organizational productivity.


The study will in no small way enhance the knowledge of conducive work environment on organizational productivity as it affects the business world. The findings of this study will provide the basis for people in management position, and other research organizations who may find interest in this work for proper appraisal on the effect of conducive work environment on organizational productivity. The significance is bestowed on the reason that the findings might help to provide a practical tool in assisting management of organization and government to perform their task more effectively and efficiently.


This study will help organizations of all nature in managing their workforce performance through revealing significant dynamics and effects of conducive work environment on organizational productivity. New technologies in communication and information processing, geopolitical disorder have significantly change the way things are being carried out in the organization. Certainly, all these factors are part of organizational environment that the managers must take into account. The right kind of working environment does not only increase the organizational productivity, but also makes employees be positive with high morale and job satisfaction. For the purpose of the study, the working in the organization or company will be taken as respondents.


The study is limited to the effects of conducive work environment on organizational productivity. The study considers other variables and as such is limited to only those areas specified below:

Financial constraints: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (questionnaire).

Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with academic work. This consequently will cut down on time devoted for the research work.

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