User education helps to create the right kind of atmosphere for effective communication between users and the library, as well as between users and the library staff. Whether in the form of library orientation or bibliographic instruction, user education helps to create the right kind of atmosphere for effective communication between users and the library, as well as between users and the library staff (Agnes, 1996). This introduces the learner to information sources and ways for utilizing such resources. When a new student enters the college of education, he encounters the library for the first time, which is designed primarily for study. Most fresh students in college of education are admitted directly from school, where library services are not available in most cases, making them novices because this is their first encounter with library services (Karan, 1895). As a result, the majority of students do not typically possess the necessary understanding on how to use a college library. They frequently come from a background of tight devotion to certain textbooks and class notes. The students have little faith in their capacity to handle the amount of academic work they have ahead of them. Regardless of the nature of their employment, they must now, more than ever, hunt for and use the proper literature. Despite the library's and the school's efforts, students continue to harbor resentment toward this program, which has resulted in both good and negative perceptions of it (Solomon, 1990). This research topic was purposefully chosen to investigate the perceptions of students in Nigerian colleges of education, specifically Federal College of Education Oyo, Oyo State, toward library orientation, their experiences during the program, and the methods used by library personnel, all of which will undoubtedly guide their attitude in order to arrive at exhaustive and comprehensive finding time for the program on a yearly basis. This outcome might potentially be utilized to help students develop and foster positive attitudes (Aaroni, 1982). This program also encourages them and provides ample time for them to participate in this program, which increases student interest and involvement. Finally, this finding will allow the school district to supply adequate equipment and facilities where they are required, as well as make effective use of those that are already in place via proper upkeep (AGuolo, 1984).
Given the increase in student numbers and electronic adherents, how can user education be organized more effectively? The information landscape has altered due to the scarcity of specialists, employees, and resources. It examines how user education programs are developed, managed, and implemented from a critical standpoint (Aguolo, 1984).
i. To determine the students' impressions of the library following the library orientation exercise.
ii. Determine if the program has influenced students' attitudes regarding effective use of the library and its resources in a favorable or negative way.
i. What are the students' impressions of the library following the library orientation exercise?
ii. How can the influence of students' attitudes regarding effective use of the library and its resources in a favorable or negative way be determined?
iii. Is the library staff able to deliver the necessary information during orientation?
iv. Does the program have any impact on the search skills of college students?
i. The college authority: This refers to the college officials who have a direct impact on the library orientation program, such as the provost, deputy provost, registrar, and so on.
ii. Library personnel: This refers to the individuals who work at the library, such as the receptionist, secretary, librarian, and so on.
iii. Students: They are library patrons who utilize the library for successful learning and research.
The results of numerous investigations conducted over the course of this study might be utilized by the College Authority and library workers to correct some of their flaws during the program, such as the technique employed and the yearly time given for the program. This outcome might also be utilized to build and promote students' attitudes about this program, as well as provide them with time within the program to pique their interest and engagement.