Science is a massive undertaking on which nations rely in order to grow technologically (Rubba, 1981). As a result of its importance and relevance to life and society, science is gaining a lot of attention in education. Biology is the branch of science that studies living organisms (Onyimadu, 2001). Reading about an organism may teach you a lot about it. Picking up and observing the creature is another way to learn about it. The first is a theoretical approach, and the second is a practical one. It must constantly be remembered that animals should not be slaughtered or plant life should not be damaged unnecessarily (Karp, 2010). Biology is, after all, the study of life. Biology, being a part of science and a requirement for many disciplines of study, contributes significantly to a country's technological development. Medicine, forestry, agriculture, biotechnology, and nursing are all examples of this. Biology in senior secondary school may provide students with essential concepts, principles, and theories to help them tackle obstacles both before and after graduation (Gerald, 2010). Biology practical work gives students the opportunity to really conduct science rather than just learn about it. Practical work is an important aspect in enthusing, motivating, and engaging kids in science, resulting in a lifetime interest in the subject. Effective scientific learning requires high-quality, suitable practical activity. Students utilize the science laboratory to examine and handle things in order to see some of the concepts studied in class during lectures and those read in reference texts in actual terms. According to Hamidu (2002), scientific teaching and learning improves through exposing students to practical work and experiments both within and outside the classroom, as well as laboratory facts. He went on to say that science professors in Nigerian secondary schools do not teach practical until the second or third term of the last year, and that the teachers begin quickly with the pupils, who then have no idea how to attempt and answer practical problems in their final year exams. Exposure to real-life situations, i.e. application of practical experiences to real-life situations, is an important part of practical employment (Onyimadu, 2001).
This research focuses on "the influence of practical work on the teaching and learning of biology in selected schools."
The goal of this study is to determine the significance and influence of practical work on the teaching and learning of some biology topics in a few secondary schools. Teachers and educators should be able to comprehend the influence of practical work on the teaching and learning of some ideas in biology based on the findings of this study.
The following questions will be addressed by this project:
i. What is the definition of practical work?
ii. What effect does practical practice have on the teaching and learning of some biological concepts?
iii. How does practical labor affect the teaching and learning of particular biological concepts?
iv. What is the link between students' biology performance and their practical work?