» CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The transitional years between adolescence and adulthood are critical turning points (Kohlberg, 2008; Mayhew & Engberg, 2010). The overwhelming trends show that a vast number of young people reared in evangelical Christian homes and churches are rejecting the faith as young adults (Smithwick, 2008; Uecker, Regnerus & Vaaler, 2007). Y...Continue Reading »
59 pages | 201 engagements |
» CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY One of the most crucial ingredients that determines the effectiveness of an organization is leadership. Because this is true in business, volunteer and religious organizations, leadership has been widely studied all over the world. In one of the most comprehensive studies of leadership, Bass and Stogdill Handbook of leadership were reviewed in o...Continue Reading »
56 pages | 347 engagements |
50 pages | 303 engagements |
» ABSTRACT This study was carried out to examine the relevance of Africa traditional religion in this modern age: scholars perspectives. Using the Yoruba religion in Nigeria. Specifically, the study examined To examine the concept of religion in the African context. The study also, examine African traditional religion as relating to Nigeria. The study further, investigate the Africa traditional reli...Continue Reading »
60 pages | 430 engagements |
» CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Before the advent of Christianity into Esanland in the first decade of the twentieth century, the Esan society was a well organized society with a viable social structure, social institutions and cultural values. The Esan people occupy the Edo Central Senatorial District of Edo State Nigeria. It is made up of five (5) Local Government Areas viz:...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 730 engagements |
» CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION It is glaring that the development of any society depends on how effective the leadership of that country is. In Nigeria, the lack of effective political leadership has continued to be a reoccurring problem. It is on this premise that the leadership situation in Nigeria is looked into. Background of the Study Solomon, the son of King David and Bathsheba became king of Juda...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 690 engagements |
» CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study It has become imperative; very essential to underscore the effect of the new generation churches on the youth. Over the years, the church has contributed to the development of the youth spiritually, physically, emotionally, intellectually, etc. similarly, several accounts in the bible shows how the church helped several youth in making exploit for t...Continue Reading »
50 pages | -1 engagements |
» CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Man’s journey on earth starts from the moment of conception. That is after the fusion of the male and female gametes to produce offspring. The terminal point of one’s sojourn on this planet is marked by death. Although death is the physical end of man’s existence in the physical realm, there exists a life that is obscured from the ...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 1,477 engagements |
» CHAPTER ONE General Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study Religion and politics are two different institutions that exist in the state and contribute their quota in different capacities to better the lives of citizens of the state and the sustenance of humanity. Nevertheless, there have been the continuous romance between religion and politics, to the dismay of many especially who thinks it sho...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 746 engagements |
» CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The Christian tradition has made significant contributions to world peace at a number of different levels (Albert, 2011). Among these are public statements by Church leaders, programs of action at local and international levels, organisations dedicated to bringing about peace, courses of study, commemorative days etc.In recent decades, Church le...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 2,134 engagements |
» CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The Christian tradition has made significant contributions to world peace at a number of different levels (Albert, 2011). Among these are public statements by Church leaders, programs of action at local and international levels, organisations dedicated to bringing about peace, courses of study, commemorative days etc. In recent decades, Church l...Continue Reading »
50 pages | -1 engagements |
» ABSTRACT This study was intended to examine the effect of belief on the growth of churches in Nigeria. This study was guided by the following objectives; identify the different belief system in churches and to examine the effect of belief on the growth of churches in Nigeria. The study employed the descriptive and explanatory design; questionnaires in addition to library research were applied in o...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 396 engagements |
» Abstract Religiosity may be considered as a fundamental trait that defines Nigerians as a people. Although it is a concept that underlies all aspects of human behaviours, its impact on employees’ behaviours has been underestimated in the workplace. Consequently, the importance of organisational citizenship behaviours (OCB) to organisational effectiveness necessitated the investigation of the...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 363 engagements |
» Abstract Prosperity preaching is a religious teaching that attracted a lot of concerns both from those who support it and those that see it negatively. There are different perceptions concerning what it is and its impact on selected Apostolic Churches and their members. This study examined the issue of Prosperity gospel and its impact on Apostolic church in Gwrimpa, Abuja....Continue Reading »
50 pages | 343 engagements |
» Chapter one Introduction Background of the study The phenomenon of deliverance has become very common and central to the religious activities of most churches. Kwabena J. Asamoah Gyadu explains deliverance from a charismatic point of view as ‘the deployment of divine power and authority in the name or blood of Jesus perceived in pneumatological terms as the intervention of the Holy Spirit to...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 427 engagements |
» Chapter one Introduction 1.1Background of the study Morality today, it has been observed, is increasingly on the decay. Ethics as a way of ordered living which propagates ideal communal life and human relationship is speedily waning. There is concern in several quarters that at the rate immorality is making waves in the society; the likely tendency is that there might be serious breakdown of law a...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 770 engagements |
» Chapter one Introduction 1.1Background of the study The phenomenon of deliverance has become very common and central to the religious activities of most churches in Nigeria. Deliverance from a charismatic point of view as ‘the deployment of divine power and authority in the name or blood of Jesus perceived in pneumatological terms as the intervention of the Holy Spirit to provide release for...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 1,096 engagements |
» Chapter one Introduction 1.1Background of the study Christian scholars agree that few doctrines of the Christian faith are more necessary to the whole of the person and work of Jesus Christ than the doctrine of the resurrection. It is the witness of Paul and the writers of the New Testament that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the pivotal point of Christian theology. Still, one may be justifie...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 775 engagements |
» CHAPTER ONE Introduction 1.1Background of the study Religion is a complex, controversial and multifaceted concept. Many people define it to meet their own conceptual designs (Gedzi, 2009:49). Aboagye (2008:22) defines the core meaning of religion as a belief in the existence of God or a god and this has been part of human experience from the very beginning, and it remains highly developed or relat...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 467 engagements |
» CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Soil is an important natural resource for agricultural and industrial development of a nation. It has numerous functions some of which are provision of anchorage to growing plants, provision or supply of nutrients and water to crops. Optimum utilization of the soil for agricultural production is possible as long as the soil is stable and well supplied with nutrients, air a...Continue Reading »
50 pages | 411 engagements |